A Glimpse into New Zealand

From Ministries to Ministers

Wow it’s been a while since I have written.

Here’s part 1 of the last 6 months of life as a missionary

From April-June, I had the honor of co-leading a team of 8 students alongside one of my best friends to the nation of New Zealand. (Ella Smith - yes we are both named Ella).

Leading a team to a country that’s not your own has both beautifully amazing moments and equally as difficult challenges. And to do it alongside a friend like Ella was just a kind hug from God. A deep friendship that began in the villages of Uganda. And the Lord was sweet enough to let our friendship and stories overlap as we led to the nations and pursued his will through missions. He’s just a good father like that - GOD CARES ABOUT YOUR RELATIONSHIPS!

“I’m teaching you how to be ministers not ministries”

Being in full time ministry is such a beautiful yet sometimes crazy concept. Your full time job is ministering to the heart of Jesus while inviting others into it. In inviting others into it, there are practicals that just must happen in order to fully obtain this. Such as daily prayer and intercession (“Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” Mark 11:24), hosting catalytic gatherings, having corporate worship nights, sharing at youth groups, doing community work, serving churches and hosts, and preaching the gospel in the streets.

It’s one thing to have schedules booked out like this for the high school summer 2 week mission trip, but after 2 years of doing this full time, I hit a sobering moment while in New Zealand. In the first few weeks, I sat and reflected: Am I just going through the motions of “doing ministry?” I knew of course I love Jesus, but why am I here doing this? And what example am I setting for my students if I'm just going through the motions of ministry or “checking the boxes?”

Feeling these things for myself and our team.

So, Ella and I sat down and asked the Father what we should do.

We heard and knew we had to obey. So, we canceled all official “scheduled ministry” for the next few days.

In a moment that felt like breaking the boxes of structured ministry would burn bridges with local contacts, communicate passivity, or look like an “easy way out,” Ella and I both felt from the Lord that this was a pivotal moment for us and our team.

In this time, as a team, we individually reflected on our “whys” of being here and doing what we do. Being led by scripture and the Holy Spirit, we began to learn what it means to walk out in true sonship. “For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God. The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry, “Abba, Father.” The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children. Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory.” Romans 11:12-17


We spent a whole day Ella and I called “day out with abba (dad).” We sent the students out in pairs into the city to do something they naturally loved to do. We said, “go out and have a fun day with your dad! Listen to him when he speaks, and just be with him. He likes what you like!”

Why? Well what does it mean to be his daughter? When you’re walking in sonship/daughtership you’re proud of who your father is. So you talk about your father.

So when we know our dad and love our dad, we go about our days and can’t help but talk about him! We tell our friends and strangers out of overflow, simply out of love. 1 Corinthians 16:14 “Do everything in love.”

Now, when we apply these things to our everyday lives, lifestyle becomes ministry. Not to perform but take ownership as his son/daughter to own it and love him and love others.

Maybe this sounds silly, but there had to be a simplicity of sonship/daughtership in order for any of “outreach” to last or matter. If I got to the end of outreach and said, “Guys our team got so good at preaching the gospel, we saw soooo many people saved and healed, we prayed every day, etc.!” But I knew in my heart we didn’t know why we did it or for whom, I would be devastated.

But to sit around the table at debrief and hear one sweet girl on our team share how she knows she can go home or back into ministry just as a silly little daughter who loves to talk about her dad. That’s it. That’s the goal. That’s what makes it all worth it.

So, am I still learning what it means to be his daughter? To abide and not strive? To minister to his heart above all else? Yes. Every day


It’s a beautiful and life long process. And now I am at home (outside of full time ministry) working a 9:00-5:00 office job. Talk about transition! Nevertheless, I am his daughter. In the nations or at a desk. What a gift to learn in a nation that’s not my own so I can sit at this desk and still know I am who he says I am!